550th SMS Documents

Following is a series of documents pertaining to the 550th SMS located at Schilling AFB in Salina, Kansas. These documents are specific to the 550th SMS. Other Atlas F related documents can be found on the preceding web page. There are different sections including news articles, diagrams, construction, operational and historical documents, etc. Most of the documents on this page are in Adobe PDF format and are freely available to download. To save the file to your local device, right click the PDF file name or image and choose the "Save Target As " option. If you should have any documents relating to the 550th SMS or the Atlas ICBM program that you would consider sharing, please contact  us so that they can be added to this page.

NOTE:  Some of these files are large in size and may take a minute to open. Please be patient while they download to your device.




Adobe PDF Logo 550th SMS Construction History




News Articles
