SM-65 Atlas Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile System 1956-1965
Operational Atlas Squadrons
Following are links to websites for the thirteen Atlas operational squadrons which implemented the Atlas missile systems in its various versions. These websites are the same ones listed in the "All Things Atlas" Website Network page. Please feel free to visit any or all of these websites at your convenience.
NOTE: Clicking on a link or patch below will open that squadron website in a new browser tab.
Atlas D Squadrons
549th Strategic Missile Squadron
564th Strategic Missile Squadron
565th Strategic Missile Squadron
Atlas E Squadrons
548th Strategic Missile Squadron
566th Strategic Missile Squadron
567th Strategic Missile Squadron
Atlas F Squadrons
550th Strategic Missile Squadron
551st Strategic Missile Squadron
556th Strategic Missile Squadron
577th Strategic Missile Squadron
578th Strategic Missile Squadron
579th Strategic Missile Squadron