SM-65 Atlas Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile System 1956-1965
Atlas Missile 33D
General Dynamics Missile Serial Number: 58-2204
General Dynamics Manufacturing Number: 33D
Air Force Missile Tail Number: 204
Missile Acceptance Date: 9/29/1959
Missile Delivery Date: 9/30/1959
ICBM Squadron Number: 576th
ICBM Squadron Site Assignment: B-2
Missile Destination: Vandenberg Air Force Base
Missile Mission: Operational Readiness Training
Missile Launch Date: 9/29/1960
Missile Launch Payload: Operation High Arrow
Missile Launch Location: Vandenberg AFB - B-2 Launcher
Missile Launch Outcome: Failure
Notes: The Air Force launch crew MCCC was Captain Ingram. This was an IOC training flight. Staging electrical disconnect plug pulled out at T+125 seconds, causing premature booster engine cut off and failure of booster section to jettison. Missile impacted 1,200 miles off target.